Fiesta Familiar
What is Fiesta Familiar?
Fiesta Familiar is an educational program designed
for families of persons with special needs and
developmental disabilities.
This program is unique because the participants
are in their own community and the best part:
Is designed for their own homes.
How does it work?
- A volunteer family offers to have
their home host a Fiesta Familiar. - Families choose the date and time.
- Select the subject that want to learn about.
- Invite other interested families and share
something to eat. - Have the chance to be with other parents, learn
about their experiences and dialogue about
subjects related to special education. - Plan the next meeting and who will be the new
host parents.
Fiesta Familiar is the right option for you if are looking for a complete program that takes into account the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics of your family.
These are the three key words of Fiesta Familiar:
- Support Fiesta Familiar is a support group that presents on
a variety of topics, allowing parents to express their
needs, listen, and learn from other’s experiences. - Information Know the current topics related to persons with
disabilities, such as changes in special education
law, available services for children, IEP, advocacy,
community participation, and more. - Training Learn about how to empower your roles as parent
advocates to achieve benefits and services
for your children.