Fiesta Familiar
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A Program that is Designed for your Home & Community
Fiesta Familiar is an educational program designed for families of persons with special needs and developmental disabilities. This program is unique because the participants are in their own community and the best part: Is designed as a grass root program which means that we get to gather and learn at homes, libraries, churches and practically every available hall or classroom.
Although, we provide help daily to our parents through phone calls and one on one appointments. Fiesta Educativa strives to keep active in the community by organizing Fiestas Familiares throughout its multiple Regions.
In the beginning, we would invite a speaker to give us a lesson at a volunteer parent that would dispose of his living room, we would share a refreshment and receive an important message but our help kept extending to the point that we chose to move to bigger public places. Here, we follow the same thematic. A lesson is exposed by one of our Coordinators or Special Guests. The times and places tend to vary but we strive to bring one Fiesta Familiar each month.
We always strive to teach our parents a meaningful lesson and touch topics that aren’t mentioned everyday but that we need to be aware of, along with keeping current with yearly changes to the Regional Centers, programs and laws concerning our children with special needs. However, the lesson is what brings us together, while the important connections we make with other parents as we share similar issues, more often than not at different stages, is what truly allows us to get the most of this meetings.
Fiesta Educativa has since the beginning been helping Latino Families with children with special needs. We understood that any help and resources available for our children would be taken for granted just by the simple fact that there are many families struggling with a language barrier. Fiestas Familiares tend to focus on the majority of the parents demographics, which in this case require Spanish speaking coordinators. However, we have also English Fiestas Familiares and translators upon request for the Spanish meet ups.
If you would like to be part of this program, please feel welcome to join us on our next Fiesta Familiar. For more information, check our calendar, email us or simply call us.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/6″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]